My Funny Valentine

My funny valentine
Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart

That’s Jack.

Just when I am about to lose my shit  mind because I have been picking up Leggos, shoes, and fuzz for well over an hour and can’t seem to make a headway in normal household chores because I have to untangle a slinky from the ceiling fan while fetching another bowl of “chips, YES! chips” and the demands to find a specific toy ………. AIEEEEEEEEE!
He will do something so intensely adorable I am floored.
He will become so incredibly PRESENT I have to stop and be in the moment with him so I can take full advantage of this open window to learn, to teach, to BE THERE.
He will repeat something– a song, a snippet of conversation, a commercial, a sound– and I will be astounded at the process that it took to go in one of Jack’s ear– ramble around for who knows how long– then come out his mouth.

I have these moments with Jack–
And I love them.
They pull me up short.  They take me by surprise.

They delight me.  They humble me.

They remind me what I am here for.
They remind me to be grateful for this time of (knock wood ) no seizures, good health, and happiness.
They are the smiles of my heart.

While I have never been fond of Valentines Day as a holiday, for Jackson, I will make an exception.
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